Signage around the City Refurbish water fountain at LaCasa Chairs for Padillo Room Covered walkway to Playhouse assisted by SGFD Mirror for Ladies room at the Playhouse New seating for playhouse women’s restroom Artwork for Ladies room at the playhouse Refurbished Playhouse Entrance Doors Plaque over walkway to playhouse

2019 Community Grants
- Friends of the Library – Upholstered Chairs
- La Casa – Painting and upgrades to Building A
- Partners with San Gabriel K-9 – Training, insurance and equipment
- San Gabriel Community Services – Stackable Chairs
- San Gabriel Historical Assoc. Hayes House – New Screens
- San Gabriel Historical Assoc. – Security lights for Museum/Hayes House
- San Gabriel Mission Elementary – Signage for in front of school
- San Gabriel Mission High School – Booster Club
- San Gabriel Valley Humane Society – New Surgical Equipment
- St. Anthony School – Lunch Benches for TK Class
Alhambra-San Gabriel Elks-Dictionary Project
The project furnishes Dictionaries to Third Graders in San Gabriel
and Alhambra Schools
City of San Gabriel
Donation to Centennial Rose Parade Float
Refurbished Lobby of Council Chambers
Funded Cost of Completing the Historic “Tile Walk”From the Mission to Smith Park
Furnished the 8 Card Tables and New Chairs for the Padillo Room
Annual Sponsor of the 4th of July/Kids Day
Furnished Holiday Decorations for Plaza Park
Annual Sponsor Of Holiday “Pie Tin” Decorations for Christmas Tree Lighting
Donated Decorative Clock at the corner of Mission Drive and Santa Anita Street
San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce
Donated new Copy Machine and new Computers
San Gabriel Firefighters North Station
Donated Flagpole and Bench commemorating September 11, 2001
Friends of the San Gabriel Library and the San Gabriel Library
Donations to the Summer Reading Program
New Children’s Books and Carpet
Gabrielino High School Marching Band
Donations towards new Uniforms and Transportation
Holiday Basket Program
Annual program assists more than 800 family members and
seniors in need during the Holidays
Kiwanis-San Gabriel
Annual Donation Towards the Pancake Breakfast
La Casa de San Gabriel Community Center
New Refrigerator
Donations towards Pre-School Classes
Repairs to the Drinking Fountain
Rebuilding Together-San Gabriel
Provided funds over the years to refurbish homes for Needy Residents
San Gabriel Historical Association
New Computer and New Copier
Donation Towards Fumigation And Other Hayes House Repairs
San Gabriel Mission Playhouse
Underwrote construction of covered walkway from parking lot
to Playhouse in concert with the San Gabriel Firefighters
Had Historic Front Doors to the Playhouse refurbished
Refurbished Box Seating
Funded New Awnings for the West side of the Playhouse
Refurbished the Women’s Lounge
Replaced water pump for fountain
These are just a few of the Civic Projects that we have funded